Revelation-Inspired Hymns and Songs

compiled by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

The book of Revelation has inspired many hymns and songs over the years. The throne-room scene in Rev 4-5 has spawned a number of "Worthy" songs. Also the vision of the conquering King in Rev 19, the judgment in Rev 20, and the vision of heaven in Rev 21-22 have been particularly rich. "Crossing Jordan" and the "River of Life" are themes found in many songs. I haven't tried to be comprehensive here, just collect some of the songs that seem more popular. Enjoy. -- Pastor Ralph

1:5-6 "I Will Praise Him" ("Praise the Lamb for sinners slain...."), by Margaret Jenkins Harris (1898)
1:7 "Every Eye Shall See," by William J. and Gloria Gaither (1980, Gaither Music Company)
2:17 "New Name in Glory," by C. Austin Miles (1910)
4-5 "How Great Is Our God" ("the Lion and the Lamb"... "beginning and the end"), by Christ Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves (2004,
4:8 "Holy, Holy, Holy," words: Reginald Heber (1826); music: "Nicaea, John B. Dykes (1861)
4:8; 5:12 "Revelation Song" ("Holy, holy, holy ... Worthy is the Lamb") by Jennie Lee Riddle (2004, Gateway Create)
4:11 "Thou Art Worthy," by Pauline Michael Mills (1963, 1975, Fred Bock Music Co.)
5:5 "It's Rising Up," by Martin Smith and Matt Redman (1995, Thankyou Music)
5:11 "O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing," words: Charles Wesley (1739), music: "Azmon," Carl G. Gläser (1828)
5:12 "Worthy," by Rich Cook (© 1977, John T. Benson Publ Co.)
5:12 "Worthy Is the Lamb," by Robert C. Clatterbuck (1988, Hope Publishing Company)
5:12 "Worthy Is the Lamb," by Don Wyrtzen (1973, Singspiration Music / ASCAP)
5:12 "Worthy Is the Lamb," by Darlene Zschech (2000, Hillsong Publishing)
5:23 "Agnus Dei," by Michael W. Smith (1990, Sony / ATV Milene Music)
5:12 "I Will Praise Him" ("praise the Lamb for sinners slain"), words and music by Margaret J. Harris (1898)
5:13 "Lamb of Glory," by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh (1982 River Oaks Music / Shepherd's Fold Music)
7:9 "Behold a Host," by Hans Adolph Brorson (1760) translated by Gracia Grindal, traditional Norwegian folk melody, ca. 1600)
7:14 "Are You Washed in the Blood," words and music: Elisha A. Hoffman (1878)
7:14 "There's Power in the Blood," words and music: Lewis E. Jones (1899)
12:11 "Victory in Jesus," words and music by Eugene M. Bartlett (1939, E.M. Bartlett, renewed)
12:11 "We Shall Overcome," African American spiritual
14:3 "Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It," words: Fanny J. Crosby (1882), music: William J. Kirkpatrick
14:15 "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" (For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take His harvest home..."), words: Henry Alford (1844), music: "St. George's Windsor," George J. Elvey (1858)
14:19 "Battle Hymn of the Republic" ("trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored..."), words: Julia Ward Howe (1861), music: "John Brown's Body," possibly by John William Steffe
15:3 "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story" ("...gathered by the crystal sea"), words: Frances H. Rowley (1886), music: Peter P. Bilhorn (1886)
15:4 "We Will Glorify," by Twila Paris (1982, New Spring)
15:4 "Holy, Holy," by Jimmy Owens (1979, Bud John Songs, Inc.)
17:14 "Jesus Is Lord of All," by William J. and Gloria Gaither (1973, William J. Gaither)
19:16 "All Hail, King Jesus," by Dave Moody (1981, Dayspring Music, LLC)
19:1 "Alleluia," by Jerry Sinclair (1972, Manna Music, Inc.)
19:1 "Sing Hallelujah," by Linda Stassen (1974, Linda Stassen, New songs Ministries)
19:12 "Crown Him with Many Crowns," words: Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring  (1874), music: "Diademata," George J. Elvey (1868)
19:12 "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," words: Edward Perronet (1779), music: "Coronation," Oliver Holden (1793)
19:13 "Jesus, Name Above All Names," by Naida Hearn (1974, 1978, Scripture in Song)
20:12 "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder," words and music: James M. Black (1893)
21:1 "Walk in Jerusalem, Just Like John" ("I Want to Be Ready"), African American spiritual
21:2 "When We All Get to Heaven," words: Eliza E. Hewitt (1898), music: Emily D. Wilson
21:2 "When the Saints Go Marching In," African American spiritual, made popular by Louis Armstrong
21:2 "The Holy City" ("Jerusalem, Jerusalem, lift up your voice and sing), words: Frederick E. Weatherly (1892), music: Michael Maybrick
21:2 That Beautiful Land," words: Mrs. F.A.F. Wood White (1889), Music: J.M. Hagan
21:2 "Marching to Zion" (..."beautiful city of God"), words: Isaac Watts (1707), music: Robert Lowry (1867)
21:6; 22:13; 1:8 "Alpha and Omega," by Erasmus Mutanbira (2005, Sound of the New Breed)
21:9 "Beulah Land," words: Edgar P. Sites (1876), music: John R. Sweney (Isaiah 62:4)
21:12-13, 21 "Twelve Gates to the City," African American spiritual
21:25 "Beyond the Sunset," by Virgil F. Brock and Blanche Kerr Brock (1936, 1964, The Rodehaver Co., a division of Word, Inc.)
21:33 "I Am Bound for the Promised Land" ("On Jordan's Stormy Banks, I Stand," words: Samuel Stennett (1787), music: Miss M. Durham (1835). Heb 11:16
22:1 "Shall We Gather at the River?" words and music: Robert Lowry (1864)
22:1 "Far Side Banks of Jordan," words: Tommy Smith (1976, Silverline Music)
22:1 "I'll Fly Away," Albert E. Brumley (1932, 1960, Albert E. Brumley and Sons, Psalm 90:10)
22:2 "In the Sweet By and By," words: Sanford F. Bennett (1868), music: Joseph P. Webster
22:4 "O That Will Be Glory," words and music: Charles H. Gabriel (1900)
22:4 "When We See Christ" ("It Will Be Worth It All"), by Esther K. Rusthoi (1951)
22:4 "Face to Face with Christ, My Savior," words: Carrie E. Breck (1898), music: Grant C. Tullar (1 Cor 13:12)
22:4 "O I Want to See Him," words and music by Rufus Henry Cornelius (1916)
22:4 "Saved by Grace," words: Fanny J. Crosby (1891) and George C. Stebbins (1894)
22:4 "We Shall See His Lovely Face," by Norman J. Clayton (1942, 1945, renewed 1971, 1973, by Norman Clayton Publishing Co. (a division of Word, Inc.)
22:13 "You Are Holy" ("Prince of Peace"), by Marc Imboden and Tammi Rhoton (1994, Imboden Music; Martha Jo Publishing)
22:14 "He the Pearly Gates Will Open," words: Frederick A. Blom (1917), translated from Swedish by Nathaniel Carlson (c. 1935), music attributed to Alfred Dulin (1930)
22:17 "For Those Tears I Died" ("Come to the waters...."), by Marsha J. Stevens (1972, Bud John Songs, Inc.)
22:17 "All Who Are Thirsty," by Benton Brown and Glenn Robertson (1998, Vineyard Songs, UK/EIRE)
22:20 "Soon and Very Soon," by André Crouch (1971, Bud John Songs, Inc.)
22:20 "The King Is Coming!" by Charles Milhuff, Glory and Bill Gaither (1970, William J. Gaither Inc.)

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Jesus' Parables for Disciples, by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Discipleship for New Believers

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  2. Jacob, Life of
  3. Moses the Reluctant Leader
  4. Joshua
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  2. Conquering Lamb of Revelation


  1. Glorious Kingdom, The
  2. Grace: Favor for the Undeserving
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  6. JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey
  7. Lamb of God
  8. Listening for God's Voice
  9. Lord's Supper: Disciple's Guide
  10. Names and Titles of God
  11. Names and Titles of Jesus

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