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Hymns and Songs Appropriate for Good Friday or Maundy Thursday Services
compiled by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Here's a selection of some favorite songs, both old and new, that could be used in a Maundy Thursday or Good Friday service to commemorate the death of Christ for our sins. I'm sure it isn't complete. If you have suggestions for additional songs, please contact me.
Most of these songs can be found with melodies at the CyberHymnal (
"Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed," words: Isaac Watts (1707); music: "Martyrdom" (without the refrain), Hugh Wilson (1800); with the refrain "At the Cross ... where I first saw the light," Ralph E. Hudson (1885).
"At Calvary" ("Years I spent in vanity and pride..."), words: William R. Newell (1895), music: Daniel B. Towner (1895)
"And Can It Be that I Should Gain?" words: Charles Wesley (1738), Music: "Sagina," Thomas Campbell (1825)
"Are You Washed in the Blood?" words and music: Elisha A. Hoffman (1878)
"Beneath the Cross of Jesus," words: Elizabeth C. Celphane (1868), music: "St. Christopher," Frederick C. Maker (1881)
"Blessed Redeemer" ("Up Calvary's mountain..."), words: Avis m. Christiansen (1920), music: Harry D. Loes
"Calvary Covers It All," Words and Music by Mrs. Walter G. Taylor (©1934, renewed 1962, The Rodeheaver Co.)
"Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain," words: James Montgomery (1819), music: "Consolation," Ludvig M. Lindeman (1871)
"Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy," words: Joseph Hart (1759), music: "Restoration," William Walker (1835)
"Down at the Cross" ("Glory to His Name"), words: Elisha A. Hoffman (1878), music: John H. Stockton (1878)
"Go to Dark Gethsemane," words: James Montgomery (1820), music: "Redhead," Richard Redhead (1853)
"Hallelujah! What a Savior," words and music: Philip P. Bliss (1875)
"I Know a Fount," words and music by Oliver Cooke (20th century)
"I Saw One Hanging on a Tree," words: John Newton (1779), music: Edwin O. Excell (1917)
"I Stand Amazed in the Presence of Jesus the Nazarene," words and music by Charles H. Gabriel (1905)
"In the Cross of Christ I Glory," words: John Bowring (1825), music: Ithamar D. Conkey (1849)
"In the Hour of Trial," words: James Montgomery (1834), music: "Penitence," Spencer Lane (1874)
"Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley," words and music: African-American spiritual
"Jesus Paid It All" ("I heard the Savior say..."), words: Elivina M. Hall (1865), music: John T. Grape
"Jesus, Priceless Treasure," words: Johann Frank (1653), translated from German by Catherine Winkworth (1863), music: "Jesu Meine Fruede," Johann Sebastian Bach (1723)
"Jesus, the Son of God" ("Do you know Jesus...," "O sweet wonder ..."), words and music: Garfield T. Haywood (c. 1914)
"Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness," words: Nikolaus L. von Zinzendorf (1739), translated from German by John Wesley (1740), music: "Germany," William Gardiner (1815)
"Just As I Am," words: Charlotte Elliott, music: William Batchelder Bradbury
"Lead Me to Calvary" ("Lest I forget Gethsemane..."), words: Jennie E. Hussey, music: William J. Kirkpatrick
"Nothing but the Blood" ("What can wash away my sin?...), words and music: Robert Lowry (1876)
"O Sacred Head Now Wounded," words: attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1153), translated from Latin by James W. Alexander (1830), music: "Passion Chorale," Hans L. Hassler (1601), harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach (1729)
"Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me," words: Augustus M. Toplady (1776), music: "Toplady," Thomas Hastings (1830)
"Savior, Thy Dying Love," words: Sylvanus D. Phelps (1862), music: "Something for Jesus," Robert Lowry (1871)
"The Old Rugged Cross" ("On a hill far away..."), words and music: George Bennard (1913)
"There Is a Green Hill Far Away," words: Cecil F. Alexander (1847), music: "Green Hill," Georg C. Stebbins
"There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood," words: William Cowper (1772), music: "Cleansing Fountain," 19th century American camp meeting tune
"'Tis Midnight, and on Olive's Brow," words: William B. Tappan, music: "Olive's Brow," William B. Bradbury (1853)
"Where You There?" words and music: African-American spiritual
"What Wondrous Love Is This?" words: attributed to Alexander Means, music: William Walker (1835)
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," words: Isaac Watts (1707), music: "Hamburg," Lowell Mason (1824)
"Wounded for Me," words: William G. J. Ovens (1869-1945) and Gladys Westcott Roberts, music: William G. J. Ovens
Words to most of these songs (and a portion of the tune) can be found in the fee-based Song Select service at CCLI.
"Amazing Love, O What Sacrifice," words and music by Graham Kendrick (©1989, Make Way Music)
"Behold the Lamb," words and music: Dottie Rambo (©1979, John T. Benson Publishing)
"Blessed Are the Broken," words and music by David Baroni (©1994, Integrity's Praise! Music)
"Calvary" ("Jesus, I remember the cross"), words and music: Mike Nikkerud (©2007, Planet Shakers Ministries)
"Crown of Thorns," words and music by Rick Stokes (©1995, Rick Stokes)
"Forever My Love" ("The Nails in Your Hands"), words and music: Richard Cimino (©1995, Richard Cimino)
"Fraction Anthem" ("Your body was broken for us..."), words and music: Mark DiChristina (©2005, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
"God So Loved" (Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain"), words and music: Reuben Morgan (©2000, Hillsong Publishing)
"Hail, Hail, the Lamb of God," words and music: John Barnett (©1997, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
"Highly Exalted," words and music: Paul Baloche and Robin Mark (©2007, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
"Holy Lamb of God," words and music: Gary Sadler and Steven V. Taylor (©2000, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
"I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary," words: Doug Oldham, Gloria Gaither, William J. Gaither, music: William J. Gaither (©1968, William J. Gaither)
"Lamb of God," words and music: Twila Paris (©1985, Straightway Music, Mountain Spring Music)
"Perfect Lamb of God," words and music: Adam Sacks (©2004, Sovereign Grace Worship)
"Sweetly Broken" ("At the cross You beckon me..."), words and music: Jeremy Riddle (©Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
"Ten Thousand Angels" ("He could have called..."), words and music: Ray Overholt (©1959, renewed 1987, Lillenas Publishing Co.)
"The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power," words and music: Andraé Crouch (©1966, Manna Music, Inc.)
"The Power of the Cross," words and music: Keith Getty and Stuart Townend (©2005, Thankyou Music)
"This Is Love" ("I bow down to the Holy One..."), words and music by Mike Young and Terry Butler (©1998, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
"This Man," words and music: Jeremy Camp (©2004, Thirsty Moon River Publishing)
"The Wonders of His Hands," words and music: Geron Davis (©1996, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
"Unfailing Love," words and music: Jonathan Stockstill (©2006, Integrity's Praise! Music)
"Via Dolorosa, Down the," words and music: Billy Luz Sprague and Niles Borop (©1983, Meadowgreen Music Co.)
"Why?" words and music by Michael Card (©1984, Mole End Music)
"Worthy the Lamb," words: Gloria and William J. Gaither, music: William J. Gaither (©1974, William J. Gaither)
![]() Available as an e-book or paperback if you need all the lessons immediately. |
"Worthy Is the Lamb of God," words and music: Thomas Jackson (©1991, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
"You Are My All in All" ("Jesus, Lamb of God"), words and music: Dennis Jernigan (©1991, Shepherd's Heart Music)
"You Deserve" ("Savior on a hill dying for my shame"), words and music: Darlene Zschech (©2004, Hillsong Publishing)
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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