Copying Policy

Copy machineI understand that many readers will use this material to teach classes and small groups and these materials were designed with that purpose in mind. By purchasing this e-book you are entitled to make a single printed copy of the entire e-book for yourself without any additional charge, plus copies of the questions (and any charts) in the Appendix for each participant in any class or study group that you personally teach. If other groups want to use the study, they need to purchase one e-book for each group.

For any additional copies you make of the entire e-book, I need to charge you. This is fair and enables me to earn a living writing Bible study materials for God's people.

All charts and notes are copyrighted and must bear the line: "Copyright, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission."

If you need to make copies of the entire e-book, you may make payment by donating the appropriate amount to Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries. If in your country it is difficult to transfer money -- or your congregation can't afford these fees -- please give some money to the poor in your community. I will consider that payment in full.

You may contribute online to Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries

Or mail a check to:

Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries
PO Box 565
Rocklin, CA 95650, USA

I give no permission for you to duplicate copies of this e-book or of the questions for sale or distribution outside of your local class members or small group participants. You may not post this e-book, questions, or other materials from this e-book on any website.

Thanks for your integrity that helps me earn a living writing materials for God's servants to use in their ministries.

Pastor Ralph

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